The motherland of sunflower is South America but now it "settles" the whole world. Its Latin name (Helianthus) is translated as sunflower due to its look and distinctive turning the flower's disc towards the sun. The seeds of sunflower are very valuable food full of beneficial fats. Also, oil is made of the seeds. However, it is mainly used while cooking and frying... not many people attach importance to cosmetic properties of "sunny" oil. That's a real pity.
Before describing cosmetic power of sunflower oil, it's worth saying that the oil used in hair and skin care has to be made using cold pressed method. Only such oil contains valuable for skin linoleic acid.
Sunflower oil contains vast diversity of unsaturated fatty acids. Their highest percentage (60-72%) is included in linoleic acid (omega-6). The whole amount of fatty acids in a sunflower is as much as 80-90%.
The sunny plant is the source of vitamine E, Phytosterols, selenium, iron, zinc and copper.
Being so rich in valuable substances places it on a very high position among other oils for hair and skin care.
The oil regenerates epidermis, strengthens the scalp, stimulates and normalizes sebaceous gland, takes care of proper sebum release, greatly helps to fight acne. That's why it's recommended to people with oily or combination skin. Fatty acids included will take care of proper processes in our skin cells and also strengthen protective barrier of the skin. The oil will stop the destructive practice of free radicals inside the cells. It will enhance regeneration of epidermis and hair as well as restore proper level of moisturizing and add shine and volume to our hair. What is more, the oil contains a considerable amount of carotenes which is enough to neutralize free radicals in the organism and save the scalp from contamination and germs.
If you decide to buy a sunflower oil, it's worth to choose an organic and unadulterated oil from certified, trusted and safe crops.
It will work miracles in combination with other oils e.g. argan and jojoba oil.
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